Planning & Construction
According to recognized rules

Process engineering planning and construction of entire systems, calculation of the individual components and creation of system documentation
Process engineering, analyzes and calculations, construction of boiler and overall systems in accordance with applicable standards and guidelines, design studies, basic and detailed design, as-built documentation, optimization and increased efficiency of existing systems, welding technology and production monitoring, preparation of offers for spare parts deliveries
Applicable standards:
EN 12952, EN 13480, EN 13445, AD 2000, ASME B31.1, B31.3, ASME Sec.I, ASME Sec.VIII Div.1, PED 97/23/EG, new PED 2014/68/EU, GB Standard 150, GB 9222, AS 1210, AS 1228, IBR, BS British Standard
Stress calculations are carried out for pressurized components of the systems and connection and mounting forces are determined. Pipes are subjected to a strength calculation according to the pipe class, taking the load cases into account. Shifts, compensations and boundary conditions are taken into account here. In addition, fatigue analyzes are carried out and dynamic loads caused by wind and earthquakes etc. are determined. The results are presented isometrically and in tabular form
The following load cases are analyzed:
- Dead weight, overpressure, pressure test and assembly forces,
- Wind, snow, ice and earthquakes
- Nozzle verifications according to NEMA
- EN for pumps and turbines.
Technical regulations:
AD2000, EN 12952, ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3, ASME B31.5, ASME Klasse 1, ASME Klasse 2, EN 13480 - 3, EN 1591, AGFW, BS 7159, DIN 18800, DIN EN 1991-1
Drawing up production drawings for the steel structures including bar and node plans for supporting structures, pipe bridges and stage structures. INTEC provides complete technical documentation for the steel structures from basic design through detailed processing and optimization, including static, dynamic and seismic calculations to manufacturing, assembly and as-built documentation.