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  • The pullability of the tube bundle makes repairs easy.

  • A high heating surface load enables rapid load changes.

  • Indirect steam generators are not covered by TRD, EN 12952 and EN 12953.

Indirect steam generators

For saturated steam and medium capacities

Indirect steam generators (IDE) are used to supply process heat to production systems and can be found in various Branchen types.

They are heated by thermal oil, which flows through a U-shaped, retractable tube bundle. The feed water, which is evaporated by the heat transferred from the thermal oil, is contained in a cylindrical housing designed as a pressure vessel.

The media separation between the feed water and the heat transfer oil takes place via an external flange connection in the so-called front head of the steam generator.

Saturated steam:

0.5 - 60 MW | 3 - 60 bar(g)

To avoid wet steam, a demister is installed in the steam dome before the steam exits.

The steam output is regulated either via volume flow control or a sliding oil flow temperature.

    Industry sectors

    MDF production

    Energy source
     Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    11,8 MW
    Vapor pressure
    35 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    24 to/h
    Industry sectors

    wood | MDF production

    Firing fuels
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    7,4 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    11,2 to/h
    Industry sectors


    Brennstoff der Befeuerung
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    8 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(g)
    Saturated steam
    9 to/h

    ORC system for waste heat utilization

    Industry sectors

    Wood, MDF production

    Fuel for firing
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste, MDF production residues
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    2 MW
    Vapor pressure
    3,7 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    2,6 to/h
    Industry sectors

    wood | MDF production

    Firing fuels
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    7,4 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    11,2 to/h
    Industry sectors


    Brennstoff der Befeuerung
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    8 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(g)
    Saturated steam
    9 to/h

    ORC system for waste heat utilization

    Industry sectors

    Wood, MDF production

    Fuel for firing
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste, MDF production residues
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    2 MW
    Vapor pressure
    3,7 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    2,6 to/h
    Industry sectors

    wood | MDF production

    Firing fuels
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    7,4 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    11,2 to/h
    Industry sectors


    Brennstoff der Befeuerung
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    8 MW
    Vapor pressure
    16 bar(g)
    Saturated steam
    9 to/h

    ORC system for waste heat utilization

    Industry sectors

    Wood, MDF production

    Fuel for firing
    Firing fuels
    Wood, wood waste, MDF production residues
    Energy source
    Thermal oil
    Technical specifications
    2 MW
    Vapor pressure
    3,7 bar(ü)
    Saturated steam
    2,6 to/h